Results for 'Julio Armando Morales Guerrero'

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  1.  7
    El Infinito En Descartes y El Propósito Práctico de Su Filosofía.Julio Armando Morales Guerrero - 2016 - Praxis Filosófica 42:203-217.
    El concepto de infinito en Descartes hace referencia a las categorías desubstancia y cantidad, por eso difiere del de la teoría moderna del continuomatemático, relativo a la de cualidad. El cartesianismo se soporta en eseinfinito que equivale a Dios, cuya demostración lo supone, y luego explicael cogito como consecuencia de Dios, así mismo explica el mundo y suinteligibilidad. La vida humana es sui generis porque transcurre entre lofinito y lo infinito inabarcable, también se realiza según la necesidad y segúnla libertad. (...)
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    (2 other versions)Descartes: filósofo de la moral.Julio Morales Guerrero - 2016 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 54:11-29.
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    Reconocimiento, igualdad y diferencia.Julio Morales Guerrero & Felipe Morales Guerrero (eds.) - 2015 - Barranquilla, Colombia: Sello Editorial, Universidad del Atlántico.
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  4. A Story of Hilbert’s Tenth Problem.Laura Morales Guerrero - 2016 - In Alberto Policriti & Eugenio Omodeo (eds.), Martin Davis on Computability, Computational Logic, and Mathematical Foundations. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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    Between Tyranny and Self-Interest.David Guerrero & Julio Martínez-Cava Aguilar - 2022 - Theoria 69 (171):140-171.
    The first contribution of this article is a politico-philosophical map that, drawing upon two common sets of arguments against modern natural rights, might help to explain the prevailing neo-republican position on natural rights. Under the label ‘abstraction argument’, we explore the view that natural rights are a metaphysical construct that usually ends in a violent application of speculative principles to society. Under ‘self-interest argument’, we discuss the notion that natural rights endorse an atomistic and selfish conception of the human being. (...)
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    Emotional stress in medical students from the National Autonomous University of Mexico.Alba Brenda Daniel Guerrero, Carlos Arturo Rodríguez Reyna, Sara Morales López & Arantxa Pizá Aragón - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (3):497-515.
    El presente estudio se realizó con el objetivo de evaluar el impacto del estrés emocional en la adecuada toma de decisiones y práctica médica oportuna y de calidad de los estudiantes que cursan el quinto año de la carrera en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Se utilizó una lista de valoración para las competencias de la simulación de reanimación cardiopulmonar avanzada, y un Cuestionario de Maslach Burnout Inventory para valorar los sentimientos, actitudes y de (...)
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  7. Las agendas ocultas tras Bolonia.Julio Carabaña Morales - 2006 - Critica 56 (934):36-41.
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    Effects of Nodal Distance on Conditioned Stimulus Valences Across Time.Micah Amd, Armando Machado, Marlon Alexandre de Oliveira, Denise Aparecida Passarelli & Julio C. De Rose - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Dialéctica del iluminismo, de M. Horkheimer y TW Adorno.Julio Carabaña Morales - 1971 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 1 (2):167-169.
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    (In)Sensitivity to Accuracy? Children’s and Adults’ Decisions About Who to Trust: The Teacher or the Internet.Silvia Guerrero, Carla Sebastián-Enesco, Irene Morales, Elena Varea & Ileana Enesco - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Corrigendum: Effects of Nodal Distance on Conditioned Stimulus Valences Across Time.Micah Amd, Armando Machado, Marlon Alexandre de Oliveira, Denise Aparecida Passarelli & Julio C. De Rose - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Hablando Con Él: Religiosidad Común En Un Pueblo de la Costa Norte Colombiana.Julio Morales Fonseca - 2020 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 3 (1).
    En este artículo se analizan, desde la antropología social, representaciones del orden social manifestadas por el fenómeno de las mandas y exvotos en el culto a santo Domingo Vidal, santo popular patrono del municipio de Chimá (Colombia). La metodología incluyó la observación participante en el sitio del culto y la descripción del Libro de mandas en el que escriben los devotos; los escritos son vistos como textos que transmiten y reproducen formas de cultura y de organización social. Para el análisis (...)
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  13. Sobre una polémica reciente en torno a la filosofía.Julio Carabaña Morales - 1971 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):133-137.
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    Educational Management from the Constructivist Perspective to Improve Teaching Performance in Educational Institutions.Fernando Pablo Velásquez Salazar, Hugo Alvarado Rios, Sunil Guardia Salas, Jeremías Allpas Rodríguez, Julio Arévalo Reátegui, Katherine Elisa Pimentel Dionicio & Manuel Ricardo Guerrero Febres - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:128-145.
    The objective was to propose an educational management model from the constructivist perspective to improve teacher performance in primary and secondary education institutions. The research was basic, quantitative approach, non-experimental design, cross-sectional and descriptive-propositional in scope. The sample consisted of 92 teachers from an educational institution in Lambayeque, Peru. The results obtained in the surveys place teacher performance at a low level in all its dimensions: preparation for student learning (60.90%); teaching for student learning (70.70%); participation in the management of (...)
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  15. Don’t Know, Don’t Kill: Moral Ignorance, Culpability, and Caution.Alexander A. Guerrero - 2007 - Philosophical Studies 136 (1):59-97.
    This paper takes on several distinct but related tasks. First, I present and discuss what I will call the “Ignorance Thesis,” which states that whenever an agent acts from ignorance, whether factual or moral, she is culpable for the act only if she is culpable for the ignorance from which she acts. Second, I offer a counterexample to the Ignorance Thesis, an example that applies most directly to the part I call the “Moral Ignorance Thesis.” Third, I argue for a (...)
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  16. The paradox of voting and the ethics of political representation.Alexander A. Guerrero - 2010 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 38 (3):272-306.
    This paper connects the question of the rationality of voting to the question of what it is morally permissible for elected representatives to do. In particular, the paper argues that it is rational to vote to increase the strength of the manifest normative mandate of one's favored candidate. I argue that, due to norms of political legitimacy, how representatives ought to act while in office is tied to how much support they have from their constituents, where a representative’s “support” is (...)
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  17. Indice Del volumen XXXVII.Octavio N. Derisi, Carlos I. Massini, William R. Daros, Alberto Caturelli, Juan Cruz Cruz, Alfonso Garcia Marques, Mauricio Beuchot-Jose, Jaime Guerrero, Juan A. Casaubon & Julio R. Mendez - 1982 - Sapientia 143:319.
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    Fundamentación moral del derecho: trabajo de incorporación de Julio Rodríguez Berrizbeitia a la Academia de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales.Julio Rodríguez Berrizbeitia - 2014 - Caracas: Academia de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales.
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    Uberrima Fides, Foucault and the Security of Uncertainty.Luis Lobo-Guerrero - 2013 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 26 (1):23-37.
    Uberrima Fides is a legal doctrine that governs insurance contracts and expects all parties to the insurance agreement to act in good faith by declaring all material facts relative to a policy. The doctrine originated in England in 1766 with the case Carter v Boehm ruled by Lord Mansfield. Ever since, it has become, with some differences in interpretation, a cornerstone of insurance relationships around the world. The role that trust plays within it, however, is not simple and should not (...)
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  20.  28
    Psicología moral y concepción multidimensional de la subjetividad en la filosofía de Hume: el caso del sujeto moral.Leandro Guerrero - 2015 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 22:299-326.
    Entre los intérpretes que problematizan la cuestión del sujeto moral en el pensamiento de David Hume, Pauline Chazan ha defendido la existencia de ciertas tensiones entre el sujeto de carácter pasional que Hume tematiza en el libro 2 del Tratado de la Naturaleza Humana y el posterior ingreso de dicho sujeto al campo de la moralidad, elaborado en el libro 3. Este trabajo ofrece una lectura novedosa de la teoría humeana de la subjetividad que permite reconsiderar y resolver este supuesto (...)
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    Learning how to decide: a theory on moral development inspired by the ethics of Leonardo Polo.Javier Pérez Guerrero - 2022 - Ethics and Education 17 (3):324-343.
    This study sets out the main points in Leonardo Polo’s theory of moral development, which systematically articulates goods, norms, and virtues. To make them easier to understand, each point has been compared with Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, which is well known to specialists and radically different to it. We have chosen three aspects of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development to highlight the uniqueness of Polo’s theory: a) Kohlberg does not account for the specificity of voluntary acts, particularly the act (...)
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  22. Legge morale e mondo della vita.Armando Rigobello - 1968 - Roma,: ABETE.
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    Morally-Demanding Infinite Responsibility: The Supererogatory Attitude of Levinasian Normativity.Julio Andrade - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book presents a conceptual mapping of supererogation in the analytic moral philosophical tradition. It first asks whether supererogation can be conceptualised in the absence of obligation or duty and then makes the case that it can be. It does so by enlisting the resources of the continental tradition, specifically using the work of Emmanuel Levinas and his notion of infinite responsibility. In so doing the book contributes to the ongoing efforts to create a common ethical terminology between the analytic (...)
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    Comités 2.0: deberes, posibilidades y desafíos de la ética institucionalizada en el s. XXI.Armando Menéndez Viso & Antonio Casado da Rocha - 2011 - Dilemata 5:163-180.
    Ethics committees are one of the main agents in the governance of science and technology, especially in the field of health care. This paper analyses some aspects of their nature, which show the internal relationship between the moral and the scientific-technological domains. Being both knowledge providers and users thereof, ethics committees deliberate and decide on complex contemporary ethical issues. To pursue their aims, they require adequate technical tools in order to deliberate and choose using new technologies of communication and information. (...)
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    Amicizia, prospettive teoretiche di un concetto morale.Armando Rigobello - 2004 - Idee 55:63-70.
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    Unexcused reasonable mistakes: Can the case for not excusing mistakes of law be supported by the case for not excusing mistakes of morality?Alexander A. Guerrero - 2015 - Legal Theory 21 (2):86-99.
    In most common-law and civil-law jurisdictions, mistakes of law do not excuse. That is, the fact that one was ignorant of the content or requirements of some law does not excuse violations of that law. Many have argued that this doctrine is mistaken. In particular, many have argued that if an individual’s ignorance or false belief is blameless, if she held the false belief reasonably, then she ought to be able to use that ignorance as an excuse for violating the (...)
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    Between πόλεμος and δύναμις: the notion of power as origin of the noble and slave morality in Nietzsche’s On the genealogy of morals.Hernan Esteban Guerrero-Troncoso - 2019 - Filosofia Unisinos 20 (2).
    This article focuses on the first treatise of Nietzsche’s On the Genealogy of Morals, regarding the historical origins of the noble and slave morality, and proposes the intrinsic possession or lack of power as a key notion to understand these origins. Given the significance that Nietzsche ascribed to the Ancient world, the notion of power will be elucidated through a comparison with some selected texts by Heraclitus and Plato. The first part deals with intrinsic power as the primary source of (...)
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  28. Ekphrastic Moral Mirrors in New Spain: : Sor Juana’s Neptuno Alegórico and Sigüenza’s Theatro de Virtudes Políticas.Sergio Armando Gallegos Ordorica - 2024 - Journal of Modern Philosophy 6:1-25.
    The goal of this paper is to argue that the Neptuno Alegórico and the Theatro de Virtudes Políticas, which were composed in 1680 by the Novohispanic philosophers Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz and Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora to accompany respectively two arches erected to celebrate the entry of the Spanish viceroy to Mexico City, are notable not only as examples of panegyrical Baroque literature but also as philosophical texts aimed at moral instruction. To be specific, I argue that (...)
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  29. La doctrina tomista de la participación: una fuente en la moral de Juan Pablo II.Julio Raúl Méndez - 2012 - Sapientia 68 (231):125-136.
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    A invasão do direito: a expansão jurídica sobre o Estado, o mercado e a moral.Júlio Aurélio Vianna Lopes - 2005 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil: FGV Editora.
    O gás sarin no metrô de Tóquio, as 'balas perdidas' no Rio de Janeiro e os ataques terroristas às torres gêmeas em Nova York ou ao transporte coletivo em Madri e Londres revelam que nossa sociedade interdependente é muito vulnerável.
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    A teoria kantiana do respeito pela lei moral e da determinação da vontade.Julio Esteves - 2009 - Trans/Form/Ação 32 (2):75-89.
    Este artigo tem por objetivo examinar uma tensão existente no interior da teoria kantiana do respeito pela lei moral. Originalmente, na Fundamentação, o respeito é concebido por Kant como um mero efeito ou subproduto da imediata determinação da vontade pela lei moral. Na segunda Crítica, contudo, Kant parece conceder um papel mais positivo ao respeito, dando a ele a tarefa de enfraquecer a influência exercida pelas inclinações, o que contaria como uma promoção da influência da lei moral sobre a vontade. (...)
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    L'identità morale della politica tra calcolo e profezia.Armando Rigobello - 1991 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 2:3.
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    Human Rights, Personal Responsibility, and Human Dignity: What Are Our Moral Duties to Promote the Universal Realization of Human Rights?Julio Montero - 2017 - Human Rights Review 18 (1):67-85.
    According to the orthodox or humanist conception of human rights, individuals have a moral duty to promote the universal realization of human rights. However, advocates of this account express the implications of this duty in extremely vague terms. What does it mean when we say that we must promote human rights satisfaction? Does it mean that we must devote a considerable amount of our time and resources to this task? Does it mean, instead, that we must make occasional donations to (...)
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    L'etica da applicare: una morale per prendere decisioni.Armando Massarenti - 1991 - Milano: Il Sole 24 ore. Edited by Antonio Da Re.
    Dal silenzio-assenso al subappalto, dagli acquisti di beni e servizi informatici alla transizione digitale e alle infrastrutture di telecomunicazione, passando per la nuova Cilas e dalle misure ambientali ed energetiche (cui è dedicato un inserto staccabile), la guida del Sole - In funzione della fondamentale accelerazione attuativa del PNRR - dettaglia tutte le novità del Dl Semplificazioni bis e quelle di recente introdotte in materia di rapporto di lavoro dai due decreti Sostegni e dal Green pass allargato (Dl 127/2021).
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    Andrés García Inda, La dulce militancia. Crítica de la razón indignada.Guillermo Vicente Y. Guerrero - 2023 - Derechos y Libertades: Revista de Filosofía del Derecho y derechos humanos 49:343-346.
    Este artículo reseña: Andrés GARCÍA INDA, La dulce militancia. Crítica de la razón indignada,prólogo de Chaime Marcuello Servós, ediciones Mensajero, Bilbao, 2020, 167 pp.
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    La crítica hegeliana a la dimensión moral de la ironía en la Filosofía del derecho.Julio Marchena - 2021 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 19:61-78.
    La noción de ironía aparece en la Filosofía del derecho de Hegel como una figura del “mal moral” hacia el final de la segunda parte dedicada a la moralidad, junto con otras nociones como la hipocresía, la mala conciencia, el relativismo, etc. Si bien es cierto la crítica hegeliana a la ironía guarda una relación directa con la crítica al romanticismo de Schlegel en sus Lecciones de estética y con la figura del espíritu del “alma bella” en la Fenomenología del (...)
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    Lo más auténtico de toda moral es el amor.Julio Cesar Arroyave - 1961 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 7:17-21.
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    La ética civil como factor de cohesión en la sociedad pluralista.Julio de la Vega-Hazas Ramírez - 2009 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 26:195-205.
    La llamada "moral civil" tiene tres características principales: es una "ética de mínimos", es plenamente racional, y se establece por consenso. Sin embargo, la ética no se mide por el número de preceptos, y los sistemas éticos no pueden ser clasificados por un criterio de cantidad. Más aun, es un punto de partida falso considerarla como un pensamiento racional uniforme frente a una pluralidad de creencias religiosas. Y si el consenso es sólo el resultado de una votación, puede fácilmente convertirse (...)
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  39. La persona : su función política y su responsabilidad moral en el pensamiento de Hannah Arendt.Julio César Vargas - 2012 - In Laura Quintana & Étienne Tassin (eds.), Hannah Arendt: política, violencia, memoria. Bogotá D.C., Colombia: Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales-CESO, Departamento de Filosofía.
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    Buddhist Reductionism, Fictionalism, and Expressibility.Laura P. Guerrero - 2023 - In Christian Coseru (ed.), Reasons and Empty Persons: Mind, Metaphysics, and Morality: Essays in Honor of Mark Siderits. Springer. pp. 345-361.
    While committed to the view that Buddhist Reductionism offers the best account of the Abhidharma distinction of the two truths, Siderits (2009) argues that Buddhist Reductionism has the surprising consequence of making itself inexpressible. This inexpressibility follows from the semantic insulation between conventional and ultimate discourses that Siderits argues is required in order to preserve classical logic for both types of discourse, avoiding contradiction and bivalence failure. I argue that inexpressibility is a problematic consequence that threatens to constitute a reductio (...)
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    Crítica de la moral afirmativa: una reflexión sobre nacimiento, muerte y valor de la vida.Julio Cabrera - 2014 - Barcelona: Gedisa Editorial.
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    Social impact of the results of the Service of Assisted Reproduction of Low Complexity of Camagüey.Orisel del Carmen Rodríguez Abalo, Lorena Morales Tarajano, Mailet Morales Tarajano & Gilberto Méndez Guerrero - 2019 - Humanidades Médicas 19 (1):1-15.
    RESUMEN Introducción: El mundo enfrenta un acelerado envejecimiento poblacional y tasas de fecundidad por debajo de los niveles de reemplazo, situación a la que no son ajenos la población y el servicio de Salud cubanos. Objetivo: Valorar las implicaciones sociales de los resultados del Servicio Provincial de Reproducción Asistida de Baja Complejidad de Camagüey, durante el bienio 2016-2017, dados en el incremento del número de embarazos logrados por Estimulación Ovárica Controlada e Inseminación Intrauterina. Métodos: En la contribución se emplearon los (...)
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    Impossibilities of Morals: Philosophy of Existence, Naturalism and Negative Ethics.Julio Cabrera - 2012 - Filosofia Unisinos 13 (2).
    This text is dedicated to defend the thesis of the impossibility of morals. For this, it discusses different positions concerning morality, like the naturalistic position of Adriano Naves de Brito and the existentialist position of Zelijko Loparic, concerning to identifying each other from the point of view of the defense of an affi rmative position on morals. The purpose of the text is to defend the negative position. From it, doesn’t make any sense defending the possibility of morals, because human (...)
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    Apuntes de filosofía moral.Antonio Guerrero Ruíz - 2018 - [Madrid]: Playa de Ákaba.
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    Radical Republicanism.David Guerrero, Bru Laín & Benjamin Ask Popp-Madsen - 2022 - Theoria 69 (171):v-xii.
    Over the last two decades republican thought has attracted a growing interest from political, moral and legal scholars. These contemporary theoretical syntheses of ‘neo-republican’ thought have been closely related to intellectual history and the idea of recovering an overshadowed tradition of political thought. In this vein, a classical set of historical moments and places and specific political practices within those contexts appear to be the main source of what republicanism meant – and what it could mean today.
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  46. Autonomía: dos concepciones éticas.Julio de la Vega-Hazas Ramírez - 2000 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 23:195-212.
    Autonomía significa capacidad de otorgarse la ley a uno mismo; atendiendo a su etimología (de "autós" -uno mismo- y "nomos", ley), consiste en tener la ley en uno mismo, o, más precisamente aún, ser uno mismo su ley. En el discurso ético, el término aparece con Kant, pero la noción y la problemática que se quieren significar con él es mucho más antigua. Ya aparece nada menos que en los capítulos segundo y tercero del Génesis. En ellos se narra que (...)
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    De la autonomía a la comunidad. Hutcheson y el continuo trajinar entre el sentido moral y la benevolencia.Julio Seoane - 1999 - Isegoría 20:51-66.
    Hutcheson es el teórico del sentido moral. y por tal se entiende una concepción de nuestro comportamiento ético y político que, a la par que sienta las bases de 10 que se ha instituido como concepción liberal de la política, es incapaz de considerar nuestro laborar en el mundo sin referirlo directamente a las imágenes comunitarias de 10 que sea el bien. Lo que Hutcheson nos puede enseñar es que nuestras discusienes actuales en filosofía política malentienden nuestra tradición y son (...)
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  48. Physicians' Role in Helping to Die.Jose Luis Guerrero Quiñones - 2022 - Conatus 7 (1):79-101.
    Euthanasia and the duty to die have both been thoroughly discussed in the field of bioethics as morally justifiable practices within medical healthcare contexts. The existence of a narrow connection between both could also be established, for people having a duty to die should be allowed to actively hasten their death by the active means offered by euthanasia. Choosing the right time to end one’s own life is a decisive factor to retain autonomy at the end of our lives. However, (...)
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    Pedro Sánchez de Acre, “filósofo moral”.Atilana Guerrero Sánchez - 2016 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de la Ideas 10:93-107.
    Pedro Sanchez de Acre, born at the beginning of the 16th century, was a prebendary of the cathedral of Toledo. He wrote three books about moral philosophy: Tree of Consultation and Varied Teaching in 1584, Moral and Philosophical Histor y in 1590 and Triangle of the Three Theological Virtues in 1595. These three books, representative of Miscellany, one of the most editorially successful literary genres of the 16th century, have become completely unknown with the passing of time. Besides the rare (...)
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  50. Determinación de los valores morales: materiales para la constitución de una axiología general como fundamento de la ética axiológica.Luis Juan Guerrero - 1983 - Mendoza: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Instituto de Filosofía.
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